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78 years of Freddie Mercury: happy birthday to the rock legend!

Arianna Bartolozzi Bellantuono
Freddie Mercury

78 years ago, on September 5, 1946, Freddie Mercury was born.

Seventy-eight years ago the world didn't know that the history of music, especially of rock, would have changed forever.

Happy birthday to the revolutionary Freddie Mercury

Freddie always stood out thanks to his unique voice, ranging from the soft tones of Love of My Life to the powerful ones of I Want It All, through the playful tones of Killer Queen.

He and the other members of Queen united opera with rock in Bohemian Rhapsody, made a video dressed as women in I Want To Break Free (an idea suggested by Taylor as a parody of the soap Coronation Street), used stage effects and flashy outfits, finding in the latter another way to express their creativity. All these aspects, now considered normal and an essential part of live performances, were innovative in the '70s and '80s and showed the braveness that always characterized the band.

In addition to all the musical achievements he reached with Queen, Freddie Mercury shattered all preconceptions about rock, such as the idea that rockers had to be super masculine. He wore sequins, nail polish and attention-grabbing accessories, which until then hadn’t been used by men, especially in the world of rock.

Furthermore, he was always open about his sexuality, never explicitly stating his orientation to maintain his privacy but also not hiding his relationships with both men and women. Additionally, when he contracted HIV, he found the courage to make it public, especially to inform his fans:

"However, the time has come now for my friends and fans around the world to know the truth and I hope that everyone will join with my doctor and all those worldwide in the fight against this terrible disease".

Sadly, Freddie left this world just a day after the announcement but he will never leave our hearts. He continues to inspire millions of people around the world, including musicians. He remains a part of music history with timeless songs that people still relate to today. He continues to convey strength, courage, and talent.

Happy birthday to the one and only, irreplaceable and incomparable Freddie Mercury.

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