Demi Lovato released a new song, You'll Be OK Kid, which will be the soundtrack of Child Star.
Growing up as a kid in the American entertainment industry was not easy for Demi. This inspired her to work on Child Star, a documentary that will come our on September 17th. It will tell the insights of some singers and celebrities that started working in Hollywood at a very young age. Raven Symoné, Drew Barrymore, Christina Ricci and JoJo Siwa are some of the guests that will tell their stories.
Child Star's You'll be OK, Kid: Demi Lovato's reassures herself
"I wouldn't end up where I am i had not made all the choices leading up to this point but it came at a price". These are the words that Demi pronounces in the Child Star's strailer when asked if it was all worth it.
There's two sides of a coin, and this was exactly the inspiration behind her new song You'll Be OK, Kid and behind all the Child Star project. Demi's thought is made clear through the usage of metaphores: she loves roses but roses have spines, just like she loves to sing but it "came at a price".
The sharks in the water will teach you to swim
The thorns on the roses will thicken your skin
People might hurt you and break promises
But, darlin', I promise you this
You'll be okay, kid
Demi has always been opened about all the struggles she faced as a kid in entertainment. Her first documentary Stay Strong (2012) was the first time she opened about her mental health and with Simply Complicated (2017) she shared more details about it. Her most recent one is Dancing with the devil (2021) where she opened herself about all the struggles she had to face due to her overdoes in 2018.
Looks like withYou'll be OK Kid reassures her younger self and all those who were in her same situation. She tells us that her dreams came true but not how she thought. She wishes she knew more, she suggests herself to slow down and beath deeply in order to let everything flow and to be finally ok.
Slow down, deep breath
Don't let the monsters scare you to death
Recently, the singer admitted to hving thought about leaving music behind and wiching to have another plan: "sometimes I think it's time for me to move on, but I'm in this weird position in my career because I still rely on music for my income".
Demi is a very strong woman who learnt how to swim and has got a thicker skin. We don't know if it was worth it for her because she was very young and she probably had to give up on a part of her childood but it was worth it for the millions of fans she has around the world who she keeps inspiring thanks to her talent and strength.
Child Star will come out on September 17th, meanwhile you can listen to You'll Be OK, Kid by Demi Lovato here: