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Work in the music industry: interview with Francesca Pani, singer

Arianna Bartolozzi Bellantuono

Francesca Pani, a singer-songwriter from Sardinia, took her first steps in music as a child. Growing up, she performed as an interpreter singing covers. Recently, she has dedicated herself to songwriting, encouraged by her guitarist Gian Filippo Alba. She told us that gradually she began to unlock her creativity and, within a week, she composed about six songs. From there, the entire creative process began, leading her to achieve very important milestones. She shared them with us in this interview, enjoy reading!

francesca pani italian singer

Your new single Romantically has just been released. How did the creative process go?

I had so much. The music video for Romantically was shot by a professional videographer, something that had never happened to me before. Through some connections, I also managed to get a hotel room for free to use as a dressing room along with the other guys appearing in the video. I had in mind to set it in a square, so I had to ask for permissions. There were people all around while we were filming, even the local police. It was very satisfying because my first videos were made through my phone learning from what I saw from other artists, both to save money and because I wasn't sure if I could make them. I used to move the phone's camera up and down a bit like Beyoncé did. In the end, this approach was liked so much that it made me get many radio plays.

When and how did you start singing?

As a child I used to listen to Cristina D'Avena's songs. As soon as the theme songs started at 8:00 in the morning, since there was no Google, I would take pen and paper and start writing down everything I understood from the lyrics to learn them as quickly as possible. The same happened with Disney vocalizations. I was known as the singing kid. Even at school, they would ask me, "Francesca, can you do Ariel?" and I was happy to oblige.

Have you taken any singing lessons?

Yes because initially, when I tried to sing Whitney Houston's songs, I did them two or three times and then lost my voice. At some point, I got fed up with this and decided to take lessons. I've always found it very interesting because 80% of the work they make you do in class is about trying to use your body as an instrument, from the posture to the muscles to the diaphragm. You learn that everything is connected to make singing as effortless as possible. Initially, I thought I was quite good, but then I realized I wasn't using my body correctly, so it's crucial to train your voice properly.

How would you describe Italian music and who are your favorite artists?

Actually, yesterday I went to a concert by Finardi and I almost cried. It was very emotional. I listen to everything, from lighter songs to more complex ones. I'm quite open-minded but I think when you listen to a masterpiece, you are truly impressed. You have a different kind of feeling and you realize it. As I said, I listen to different genres. I really like Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Beyoncé, Marilyn Manson, Eminem, Elisa, well, I listen to music for every mood. I'm not one of those who reject some genres. I listen to trap, hip-hop, pop, Italian music, international music, everything as long as it conveys some kind of emotion. This morning, for example, I listened to Miravi, a Russian singer with a devastating vocal power.

Do you also perform live?

Yes, I performed live yesterday morning as well. I have several projects: two acoustic duets, a group with which we do current songs and a blues project. I like to change my repertoire and discover new artists.

I saw that you've also done something on television. How was that experience?

Yes, it was very interesting. I did it just to try because initially I was very shy. Since my songs had been very well received on local radio, I noted down all the positive comments which gave me a certain thrill. From local radio, I moved on to regional projects, always between radio and TV. Later on, I stumbled upon a contest in Sanremo to which I participated by sending my song Dentro la A. The day after, they called me asking if I would like to go to Casa Sanremo during the Festival, and it was an incredible experience. Almost two months later, I came across a casting by Rai for singers. I decided to participate by sending a video of a minute and something. I thought, "oh well, with all the applications they receive..." then I saw that they downloaded my video and I received a message saying that I had passed this Rai casting. I performed on the spin-off of Fiorello's show, Viva Rai 2, and it was very nice despite being quite nervous.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start singing, performing live and composing their own songs?

Yes, first of all I think that everyone has a kind of nature to follow. For me, it all started by watching cartoon theme songs. What I regret is that initially, I never invested too much in it because people tell you "it's impossible, and as you grow up, you keep hearing "I wish you could, but..." so on one hand I wanted to achieve these things on my own just to prove my worth. I set myself the goal of getting 1000 radio plays and I managed to get 1500 so, if you have someone against you, use it as a motivation. Other people's opinions change based on facts, once you reach a goal what can they say? I suggest to follow your passion even if you're doing another job, just to feel good. For example, all the chaos we caused for the music video ended up being a beautiful memory, a spectacular day. Don't let yourself be discouraged when you hear opposing opinions. Also, it's important to watch out for those with ulterior motives; it happened to me that a producer only wanted money. Also, inform yourself a bit on your own or get help if you know experts. I had studied how to get on streaming services, how important copyright is, how to recognize a good contract. Beware of malicious people who tell you, "let's discuss it over dinner" often you can tell when people have ulterior motives, so be very careful.

Speaking of this, have you ever been in a situation where someone tried to take advantage of their professional position?

There was a producer who claimed to have contacts with a very important label. Perhaps an ignorant person but with a big dream believes it and falls for it. Then he started liking my photos and talking about the fact that he was single. I only asked who he had produced, I asked only professional questions. When someone talks to you seriously about work, they're not there to ask if you're single or similar things. They ask purely professional questions about your music. The professionals I've dealt with have always been focused on work to make sure of the person they had in front of them before investing in her. You have to be careful, although personally, I often find it quite obvious when someone has ulterior motives, in my opinion, these people seem quite foolish from the start. If you have doubts just take someone with you.

Can you recommend an Italian song, at this point I'd say one of yours?

Definitely Portami un Caffè (Bring Me a Coffee). It has a live and let live kind of meaning. Generally, with these very rhythmic songs, people don't usually think to look closely at the lyrics. I'm not just talking about mine but in general, think about Think by Aretha Franklin whose meaning is very powerful. Portami un Caffè is about this girl Maria who is very frustrated and vents her frustrations towards those she sees as weaker.

What are your future projects?

As I was saying, Romantically has just been released with my guitarist Gian Filippo Alba. Other pieces will be released soon. Also, I have some live performances scheduled, so I'm waiting for you!

Follow Francesca here and and watch the Romanticamente video here:

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