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Julieta takes a step closer to stardom with haiku

Sara López González
julieta haiku

Last Friday Julieta, the 23-year-old Catalan singer released her latest song, haiku. One the same day, it was announced she was signed by one of the largest multinational pop music companies.

Julieta is one of those many singers who found a moment of peace during the 2020 pandemic to work on her musical venture. Having started a career in Telecommunications Engineering, this global break led her to prepare her first professional artistic release. Thus, in 2021 she published her first album, Juji, which led her to become one of the breakout artists of pop music in Catalan, being baptized by some of her followers as “The Catalan Dream.”

Her new single, haiku, takes its name from a style of Japanese poetry, one that's very short: just seventeen syllables long. In the song, she draws an analogy between this poetic form and a love “so beautiful and so short.” With a nostalgic melody and an enveloping instrumental, she tells the moment in which, while she is ice-skating with her partner, she tells him that she thinks they should end the relationship.

In the music video, directed by Superglu, the singer is placed in different scenarios that combine a bright white with a dull blue, a color that characterizes sadness. The use of the analog camera cooperates with the song in conveying that nostalgic feeling.

On the same day of the song's release, it was also announced that Julieta would become part of one of the major music multinationals. The Spanish branch of Sony Music shared a post on Instagram in which they welcomed the singer as a new member of their roster. Rosalía, one of Julieta's main inspirations, was also signed by Sony after the release of the first two singles from El Mal Querer, which, in her case, probably meant the last step to her rise to international fame. Whether it will mean the same for Julieta or not, only time will tell.

At the moment, the Catalan singer is embarking on a Spanish tour that will last six months and that includes festivals such as Mad Cool in Madrid or Arenal Sound in Castellón.

You can hear haiku and watch its videoclip here:

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