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Melissa Kyriakou reflects on her generation with new single Looking for Love

Arianna Bartolozzi Bellantuono
melissa kyriakou

Looking for Love is Melissa Kyriakou's new single in which she reflects on modern romances.

Melissa is a Cypriot singer whom we had the chance to interview some months ago, you can read her interview here. We could listen to Looking for Love before its release and it explores the complexity of dating nowadays, highlighting how the genuineness of love shifted dramatically over the past century.

Through direct lyrics and powerful melodies, Looking for Love is communicates Melissa's feelings and her vision of today's love.

Melissa Kyriakou and Looking for Love: the challenges of dating

A century ago dating was a kind of formal process aimed at finding a lifelong partner who was deeply rooted in emotional commitment and societal expectations. Nowadays it is not quite like that: the advent of technology and social media made dating more accessible but at the same time more superficial, as an end in itself. Melissa's song addresses this change and reflects on how people, sometimes, look for ways to spend their time without emotional involvement.

Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong era
not long ago things were simple love was deeper
how did things change so much?
I wanna go back to the old school love

In Looking for Love Melissa expresses the process of looking for someone she can have a deep connection with in a world that seems indifferent to such ideals. Her lyrics resonate with all the listeners who do not want to date just to say they have a partner but look for something deeper.

Nowadays people are afraid of true connection
they drive and turn into the opposite direction
afraid to try, afraid to commit, afraid to give a part of them

The song is set in an uplifting atmosphere, consequently it doesn't sound like a sad ballad but as a powerful, dynamic and effective hymn for all those feeling like Melissa. Looking for Love by Melissa suggests that, despite all the challenges, the search is still worthwhile. It is easy to imagine this song on radios as it has all the qualities that usually hits have.

You can listen to it here:

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